Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria

MLTAV Languages Conference 2024

Friday 29 November

Venue: Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade East Melbourne

Time: 8:45am – 4:15pm

MLTAV Annual General Meeting: 4:30pm – 5:15pm. All conference attendees are welcome to attend the AGM

Exhibiting at the MLTAV Conference

The MLTAV Annual Conference is a great place to show teachers of languages how your organisation can support languages teaching and learning. Limited places are available for organisations to display products and services at the MLTAV Conference. For enquiries, contact [email protected].

Keynote speaker announced!

Dr Matt Harrison, Senior Lecturer in Learning Intervention at the University of Melbourne, will present a keynote to start the day. This will explore evidence-based supports and strategies for students who are autistic and/or have ADHD which can create the conditions to help everyone feel safe and happy while learning Languages.

Submit a workshop proposal

MLTAV values the willingness of presenters to share their expertise and to prepare and present at the conference.

Presenters whose workshop proposals are included in the program are able to register for the conference at no cost.   

All workshop sessions will be 50 minutes and content should be relevant to teachers of all languages.  Submissions are due by COB Friday 27th September.