Mentoring Network for Beginning Teachers of Languages
Beginning and accomplished teachers of Languages are encouraged to participate in the 2025 Mentoring Network facilitated by Languages Teachers Victoria.
Participation in the Mentoring Network provides:
- partnership between a beginning and accomplished teacher of the same language
- free access to MLTAV online professional learning webinars in 2025 and to the 2025 annual conference (late Term 4 – date TBC)
- a Collegiate Classroom Visit (with $250 contribution to CRT release)
- participation in an online Mentoring Network session each term
There are a limited number of places available for this FREE Mentoring program.
Submit your Expression of Interest by Wednesday 2 April. You will be advised of the outcome of your EOI by mid April.

The MLTAV has offered this Mentoring program since 2005. It connects a beginning teacher with an accomplished teacher of the same language to provide networking and support. Through this 12 month program teachers participate in collaborative professional learning and collegiate classroom visits and have regular online contact to respond to the needs of the beginning teacher. This program also offers experienced teachers of Languages leadership opportunities through their role as mentor.
To find out more about this program, watch the clip created by the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT).
Languages Teachers Victoria (formerly MLTAV) acknowledges the support of the Department of Education, Victoria, through the Strategic Partnerships Program, for this Mentoring Network.