One model for scaffolding literacy development in the Primary Languages classroom uses the following sequence:
– acknowledging prior learning
– building on contextual knowledge
– text orientation
– language orientation
– language transformations
– joint patterned writing
– independent patterned writing
The exemplars below provide insights to how this model has been used by a primary teacher of Indonesian.
Scaffolded Literacy Model
F-2 Exemplar: The Hungry Caterpillar
3-6 Exemplar: Giuseppe mau makan pizza
A note about Robyn Typuszak’s language & literacy journey
Robyn currently teaches Indonesian at St Augustine’s Primary School in Maryborough, Victoria, located in the Diocese of Ballarat. She teaches F – 6 students in fortnightly 50 minute lessons.
An experienced classroom teacher, Robyn transitioned to teaching Indonesian 10 years ago. Not dissimilar to many other language teachers working in regional schools, Robyn committed her personal time to learning Indonesian. After initially using topic based resources, Robyn was encouraged by her leadership team to explore making Indonesian learning more authentic for her students. After attending a professional learning session on ‘Exploring Narrative Text and Picture Storybooks’ by Dr Andrea Truckenbrodt, Robyn realised she could transfer her wealth of literacy teaching knowledge and skills and apply them in her Indonesian language classroom.
Robyn has generously shared these units of work and resources which illustrate how she has applied literacy teaching techniques in her Indonesian teaching and takes a structured and scaffolded approach to effectively use a text in multiple ways to support the development of students’ language and literacy skills.
She has drawn upon professional learning from the Primary English Teaching Association Australia (PETAA) and been inspired to use questioning techniques and language manipulation featured in a book called ‘Teaching with Intent 2: Literature-based literacy’ by Dr Bronwyn Parkin and Dr Helen Harper (2019). You will also see evidence of key features of Misty Adoniou’s Scaffolding Literacy approach.