Direct Deposit Payment Instructions
Thank you for registering as a member of MLTAV.
To finalise payment of your membership, please use the details below to
Bank Account Name: MLTAV
BSB: 033-038
Account Number: 190090
Description: Please enter your MLTAV Membership Name
Amount: $500
Purchase Order Number: *Please put your PO number in payment reference*
The Modern Language Teachers’ Association of Victoria (MLTAV) is the professional association for teachers of all Languages at all levels.
MLTAV supports quality teaching of languages through Professional Learning and sharing of professional practice and knowledge.
MLTAV advocates for the provision of quality language learning for all Victorian students.
As a member you will receive regular e-updates from the MLTAV. You may also like to follow us on Social Media.
A wide range of resources and information is also available for you to access on the MLTAV website.
We look forward to having you involved in the MLTAV!