Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria

Exploring literacy and numeracy outcomes in Victorian bilingual programs

Kristien Sarwo-Rini & Janet GaleSimonds Hall

Research has shown that students in bilingual programs perform as well or better than their peers in English-only programs across various learning areas, including literacy and numeracy. The workshop presents an analysis of recent NAPLAN results of the bilingual programs in Victorian government schools. It unpacks a teaching and learning model that provides students with a combination of explicit targeted teaching in both languages, consistent pedagogical approach in all curriculum areas and supported environment for students to develop their meta cognitive skills. The workshop will help participants to understand the evidence-base for bilingual teaching and learning practices that contribute positively to students' academic performance and language proficiency. You will leave inspired to enhance your current practices by seeing bilingual student academic achievements and a sample model of explicit teaching that can be implemented in mainstream language programs.

Fri 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
bilingual education, pedagogy, primary