Modern Language Teachers' Association of Victoria

Using Language to Learn, not just Learning Language

Kelly HarrisonStudio 6

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an untapped well of potential for Languages education. It offers solutions to many of the challenges faced around student engagement and proficiency, particularly in countries where a monolingual mindset dominates. Despite the well-documented benefits, CLIL also presents many challenges to teachers in terms of workload, resourcing and implementation. Getting started can cause many teachers to feel overwhelmed and intimidated. In this workshop, Kelly will offer a range of achievable ways for schools and teachers to experiment with CLIL lessons and units. She will step participants through a range of strategies for providing opportunities for students to use language, not just learn it. Some key takeaways will be: Ideas for implementing CLIL within a Languages program ("soft CLIL"); Ideas for implementing a cross-curricular CLIL program; Strategies for overcoming common barriers to starting CLIL

Fri 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
CLIL, commercial, primary, secondary, strategies